Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning — among other emerging technologies — are affecting nearly every business process. Employee management is no exception. There are so many things out there that businesses use to help them manage their employees, such as involving the services of a PEO company (for more information about this, take a look at retire at 21). This is a really important thing that businesses need to consider, so it’s not something that should be forgotten about.
HR departments are facing a mounting series of obstacles, from attracting and retaining top talent to building a future-proof workforce to treading the line between agile and effective. Increasingly, these leaders are using new tech to address modern hiring and retention challenges.
Though historically slow to adopt technology, here are top technology trends to watch for and how they’re adding value to the HR role:
AI Performance Management
Automation tools that can help HR manage employee behaviors are poised for growth in 2019. For example, a solution that monitors employee work stations might notice a drop in productivity and send a message suggesting the employee take a short break. These tools can also give managers coaching on how to deal with employee behaviors and improve team performance.
Human Capital Management (HCM) Software
HCM is designed to highlight employees as one of your company’s most valuable assets. It focuses on the value that each employee brings to the organization and quantifies the way you manage talent. HR teams can then build a talent management strategy around this data while measuring ongoing performance, as well as use predictive analytics to keep roles filled.
Employee Engagement Tools
Technology is breaking down barriers that historically limit communication between HR and employees. Companies are placing a higher emphasis on culture and engagement, and technology is playing an increasingly important role in this arena. Tools and apps can encourage feedback and engagement so that companies can better gauge employee happiness, needs, and wants to maintain a positive work environment. There are a few things that can be done to help your employees happy as well. For example, if you are a large company, then one thing that can benefit both you and your employees, is using things like leave management vendors to help make the process of taking time off from work a lot easier. Employees will appreciate this and it will make your job a lot easier. It’s not just this that can help though, there are a few other things that can be done to help you gauge your employee’s happiness.
How to Prioritize HR Tech Implementation
A recent report found that over 90% of HR execs believe that technology can have a positive impact on operations, but less than half believe they had the resources to make these changes a reality. Low budgets, inadequate staffing, and a reluctance of buy-in from higher-ups have affected adoption rates.
The incoming wave of HR tech adds to the complexity, confusing HR teams about which areas to prioritize first.
As a general rule, leaders should first consider which pieces of technology will add the most value to the organization. Those technologies that save time and operating expenses or will positively impact hiring and retention should remain a central focus. It’s equally important to consider your overall growth strategy and ensure solutions directly support it.
Making a Business Case for HR Technology
Integrating HR technology trends isn’t just a matter of appearing cutting edge. It’s becoming essential to remaining competitive.
Over 55% of CEOs have expressed growing concerns over their ability to innovate effectively and close the staffing gaps that negatively affect their abilities to serve customers.
As a result, HR personnel can make a stronger business case for investing in technology to support their efforts. HR leaders now have a stronger strategic role and a higher priority, which could help them to secure a larger piece of the budget. As they use technology to attract talent that will move the company forward, the rest of the company will be pushed forward, too.
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