While the digital age has enhanced a brand’s ability to expose itself to the world, inconsistencies in how brands are perceived by consumers, employees and potential recruits are becoming exceedingly evident.
According to bcg.perspectives in a piece titled “One Branding: United the Employer, Corporate and Product Experience,” many companies fall short at conveying a consistent brand identity across their diverse relevant audiences. In addition, companies are likely to overlook the fact that all employees – the younger of whom are increasingly active on social media – have become the largest pool of potential brand ambassadors available to any company actively engaged with their marketplace.
The piece states: “Brand experiences are now largely shaped by the people on the front lines who interact daily with customers and must meet their rising expectations.”
No longer do branding and marketing concerns sit solely in the province of responsibility of those corporate communications executives found in marketing departments. As millennials integrate into the workforce, companies must realize that they possess employees who are natural online and social marketers. If these employees believe in their employer and its value proposition, they have the ability to communicate this on numerous digital platforms. “Brand management of the future requires, therefore, even fuller and more consistent engagement among the people inside and outside the company.” A brand that continually provides consistency and authenticity is extremely valuable.
In an interview with bcg.perspectives, Antonella Mei-Pochtler, a senior partner and managing director in the Vienna office opines that employee retention and quality of new recruits is a key determinant of the “health” of any employer brand. The brand health is also determined by the inside and outside perception of the brand: The smaller the disconnect; the healthier the brand.
Company leaders are responsible for initiating the change in the perception and depth of branding: “…one branding works only if executives in charge of HR and the brand disciplines make it their common goal and have the courage and flexibility to work together.”