For any businesses, your website is a crucial part of your marketing plan. You want to drive visitors to your web pages, keep them interested and have them act. You also need to make sure it looks good and it has a consistent theme and color palette. These are all things you need to keep in mind when using a website maker to create your site. No one will want to consume the content you’re creating if the site isn’t responsive or nice to look at.
In order to get viewers to commit to a call to action, you need content that will be of value to potential customers and identify a problem that your product or service can solve. The tools used to drive engagement range from blogs to infographics. Known as content marketing, this rich content is designed to drive search engine results and keep visitors interested.
If you are a business start-up or think you want to start a business, thinking about the type of content, and how it’s delivered, can give you a leg up on the competition.
Having a website is a really important thing for a business, but it’s important that you keep up to date with it, and that your website runs smoothly. Also, a business that is online needs the correct insurance to make sure your business is covered. Looking into places like Foxquilt can help you find the right insurance for you, for example, if you have an IT business you would need tech- company insurance to ensure that the correct assets are protected within your business. There’s a lot that you need to think about, but don’t worry if it all gets a bit too much for you, you can always look at getting help from a company like Go Creative (you can find their website here: If you think that you can do this all yourself then great!
Below are 6 tips on creating dynamic content that gets viewers to act on those calls to action, resulting in more leads and paying customers.
1. Know what customers need
Do you know what the points of pain are that your customers are facing? Does your content make it clear how your product or service can alleviate that pain? Give customers the information they need. Provide website readers with relevant information about the issues customers are facing and how your solution helps. You need specific content that puts solutions in those customers’ hands.
2. Forge a relationship
You want customers to see you as a valued and valuable partner in their lives. Today’s consumers are looking for a relationship with the brands they purchase. They want to know that they have access to needed information in the moment it’s most crucial. Make it easy with your content for customers to turn to you for knowledge and insights. Make the content easily available and readable on mobile devices, too.
3. Business start ups should keep it simple
You assume that your readers are smart. That said, you want to be sure your content is an easy read with clear and simple language that is written in bite-sized pieces, can be absorbed and understood quickly, and can be read on the fly. It’s highly likely your readers are looking at your content on a mobile device with little time. The points you make should be compelling, memorable, and brief.
4. Consider video
YouTube is not just for music anymore. Many businesses turn to the video sharing site to post information, how-tos, insights and tips. Consumers are seeing YouTube as another search engine. Consider creating a YouTube channel that features interesting content about your business and brand.
5. Complement with social media
Cross-promotion today means reaching customers wherever they may hang out virtually. Content on your website may be great but without a strategy to get viewers there, the effort could be for naught. Make sure your social media strategy is coordinated with your website marketing. Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn are among the most popular social media networks, though others may be more appropriate for your brand. Working with PPC advertisements could also be beneficial and if you’re interested in that talk to a professional London PPC Agency.
6. Know what content works best
There are all kinds of possible content: blogs, ebooks, white papers, websites, video, infographics and user-generated items. Experiment to determine which types of content are most attractive to your customers and at the same time are effective in getting readers to take that next step via a call to action.